How Do You Throw a Dart Consistently?

  • By: Sue
  • Date: October 13, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Darts is a fun yet skillful game. Without the right practices in mind, you can miss your target, which is why we’re here to share the best strategies and techniques to throwing a dart consistently every time.

How Do I Become a Better Dart Thrower?

Getting better at darts requires dedication and persistence; you shouldn’t expect to read one article and become the next best dart player. Here are some ways to get better at darts from your first session.


Balance and comfort help with performance because you can’t expect to throw accurately if you’re falling to the side. Adopt the middle stance position, where you place your front foot at a 45-degree angle at the throw line, using your back foot to hold your weight.

Hold Your Dart

Rest the dart in the palm of your hand, and use your thumb to roll the dart inwards to your fingertips with your thumb behind the center of gravity. Then, position your fingers onto the dart’s barrel for a comfortable hold.

Here are some other tips for holding your dart:

  • Don’t use your fingers to grip the dart’s shaft
  • Face the dart up towards the dartboard

Follow Through

So you have your eye on where you want to throw your dart on the board, but you need to acquire the right amount of power for the dart to reach the board. In a nutshell, the follow-through is all about the setup (stance and position), the pullback, and the release.

Face the dartboard using the stance mentioned earlier, ensuring that you feel completely balanced. Use your dominating eye to look at the target on the board with the dart positioned in this direction.
Bend your elbow, and position your hand with a face-up palm to not strain your wrist.

When releasing the dart, aim to release all of your fingers at the same time for a stable flight.

How Can I Improve My Dart Throw Accuracy?

Each time you throw a dart, it doesn’t fly in a straight line but in an arc, which is called a parabolic curve. This curve affects the angle at which your dart hits the board, so it’s good to know a little about it.

The goal is to have a little arc for improved accuracy and a more direct path to the dartboard. Below are some factors that can affect the dart throw’s accuracy:

  • Angle and weight of your dart
  • Your stance
  • The strength of your throw
  • Point of release

How Do You Hit Triple 20 Every Time?

When you hit a triple 20, you score 60 points, so it only makes sense to try to hit this target every time. While consistency is difficult, it isn’t impossible. It only makes sense to aim for the 20 on the dartboard, but missing the mark can cause you to hit a five or a one, resulting in an overall lower score.

So the real question here is how to aim accurately on a dartboard. To do so, you need to use your dominant eye to guide you, adjust your stance, and lead with your elbow. Stay calm during your throws, and continue regularly practicing to improve your throw and accuracy.

Should You Spin a Dart When You Throw It?

When you release a dart from your hand but your thumb and fingers don’t release at the same time, you encounter a spin. If you’ve noticed that your darts have suddenly started spinning, you may have a grip and release issue that you could work on.

Some players believe that spinning darts will improve your game by offering a more stable flight and an accurate landing. The major benefit of a spin is that the dart is less likely to bounce out of its landing due to the extra force.

How Many Hours a Day Do Darts Players Practice?

Practice makes permanent, so regular sessions are a great way to improve your play and performance as well as pick up on any bad habits you might have encountered.

Not regularly practicing—like with any sport or activity—means that you’re not allowing more space in your life to enhance your skills and feel more accustomed to the actions involved.

Regular short practice sessions are better than long ones that are sporadic, as this allows you to get into the swing of things and get more familiar with new movements and the sport. Generally speaking, we recommend 30 minutes to one hour of play three to four times a week.

Any less and you risk not allowing yourself not enough room for improvement. Although, if you have more availability, you can increase your session times. But remember: consistency is key.


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